Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hump Day Bump Day: sotd 4.6.11

New tunes from (mostly) new artists. Most Wednesdays from here on out I am going to try to focus on artists, albums, videos or singles that would be considered new. Maybe it will be a breaking artist, maybe an old artist with a new album. Now I'm not promising that this is going to be something released in the last week, but it should at the very least be from the last 6 months, maybe longer if it takes a while to get to these aging ears.

I am doing this for you, dear reader, as much as for myself. You see I fear lately that I have been becoming one of those crotchety old coots who doesn't think the coming generations have anything to offer me musically. Man, I am discovering I am dead wrong!!

You'll never catch me in a pair of skinny jeans. I'm not a PBR drinker. None of my tats could be considered "ironic." But good tunes is good tunes, and I will never turn my back on that.

So today I have for you two emerging artists. First, tUnE yArDs, with the lead single 'Bizness' from their new release, 'w h o k i l l'. Followed by Morning Teleportation's 'Expandin Anyway' from the album of the same name. Both bands hail from Portland, but different coasts. The former from the east and the latter from the west. Both of these albums were released in the new year, making them both quite fresh. I hope you enjoy and maybe learn something new with me.

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