Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Eye of Sheron Watching New Additions

Thanks to 24/7, we all know the eye of Sheron is constantly watching, judging, and apparently grading his players on their performance each night. I regret to inform you that two new Pens have fallen under Shero's unwavering eye.
James Neal, (aka Nealer or J-Nealz) and Alexi Kovalev (Kovi) must step up their game, particularly on the PP. They've only managed a goal a piece since their pre-deadline arrivals, and though other aspects of their game have proved to be valuable additions heading into the playoffs, these two need to start finding the back of the net.
Speaking of the power play, did I see James Neal on the point against Detroit or did I ingest a powerful hallucinogen before Monday's game? The lidless Eye of Sheron does not sleep.......

1 comment:

  1. The eye of sheron will not sleep until he gets his ring
